
2021年11月25日—ColorPeeker.ColorPeekerformacOS.ThisisthesimplestonewhichsitsinyourMacmenu-barandshowsthehex-colourvalueofthe ...,ColorPickerhasnowbecomeevenbetter.-WiththenewMenubaroption,youcanquicklyaccessyourrecentlycopiedorrecentlysavedcolors.-Dragand ...,FreeMacOSXmenubarutilitythatmakestheApple®ColorPickeravailableanywhere,atanytime-eventoapplicationsthatdon'tsupportthecolorpicker ...,20...

3 simple and free macOS Color Picker apps

2021年11月25日 — Color Peeker. Color Peeker for macOS. This is the simplest one which sits in your Mac menu-bar and shows the hex-colour value of the ...

Color Picker on the Mac App Store

Color Picker has now become even better. - With the new Menubar option, you can quickly access your recently copied or recently saved colors. - Drag and ...

ColorPicker 1.7

Free Mac OS X menu bar utility that makes the Apple® Color Picker available anywhere, at any time - even to applications that don't support the color picker ...

How to copy colors on macOS with System Color Picker

2022年6月9日 — Go up to the menu bar and select Preferences. You'll see this window: screenshot-00003.jpg.


Palettes can be accessed both from the app and the menu bar icon (if enabled). You can even access them in other apps that use the system color picker. You ...

Sip for Mac

Sip is a modern color picker that brings ease to color organization & team collaboration. Try Sip for Free. No credit card required. menu bar interface ...

System Color Picker

The macOS color picker, but now as an app with more features. For instance: Quickly copy, paste, and convert colors in Hex, HSL, RGB, LCH format.

System Color Picker Mac App 2022 REVIEW

2022年4月11日 — System Color Picker is a nicely designed utility app for macOS that lives in your menu bar. It was developed by Sindre Sorhus who is a full-time ...

The Hidden Features of the Mac Color Picker

The macOS color picker is the panel that shows up when you click a color well in a native app. We've all used it to pick a quick color, but did you know it's an ...

在Mac App Store 上的「System Color Picker」

2024年1月28日 — Pick colors from anywhere using the built-in color picker. □ Features.